Our Herd


Riggit Galloways
bred and raised in Canada.


33 years of Galloways

Galloway bloodlines that carry
the best characterists of the breed.

From our first purchase of Galair White Lad 13A and seven Galloway cows from the Sandrift herd in the spring of 1992 to the present time, we continue to be impressed with Galloway cattle.
Galloways have depth in profitable traits starting with fertility, the single most important economic trait in beef cattle. Other strong traits we select for are Performance, Productivity, Structural Soundness, Longevity, Reliability and Predictability. Profitability for our customers has always been a core value for us, whether you are cross breeding for hybrid vigor or breeding for feedlot performance or breeding grass finished steers for a direct quality beef marketing program, we have the genetics.
We have a longstanding interest in color pattern heritability and predictability, maintaining historical data on our herd since our first calf crop in 1993. For over 33 years now we have pursued the Canadian bloodline White Galloway and Riggit Galloway along with our strong core of Purebred Galloways. We have the most extensive semen inventory in North America including semen from 56 bulls from all four breeds. We also have an extensive inventory of Embryos and will custom collect from current breeding females and from past and present bulls.

Galloway and Riggit Bulls for Sale May 2024 - by Private Treaty


Galloway have a distinctive long coat soft coat that sheds water and insulates so they don't need to develop an excessive layer of fat that is discarded at slaughter. Their flesh has mottled fat and lean mixed, a sign of quality beef.

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Riggit Galloway

Riggit Galloway cattle have a distinctive white stripe running down their spine. They share the same foraging habits of all Galloways and present a long productive life span with calving ease.

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White Galloway

Our White Galloway herd was developed from strong bloodlines with attention to calving performance. These good natured animals are very self sufficient and thrive on marginal pastures.

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Belted Galloway

GJR 32W Ladywells William

Although we no longer breed Belted Galloway, we still have some of the best AI semen available in Canada and North America from both Black and Red Belted lines.

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We have many really good cattle with great genetics from quality bloodlines. Our goals are to be the preferred source of Galloway breeding stock in Canada and abroad.


semenWe have the most extensive Galloway semen inventory in North America including semen from 56 bulls from all four breeds. Including bloodlines elegible for international export.


embryosWe have an extensive inventory of Embryos from past and present bulls and will also custom collect from current breeding females.

Why Galloway Beef?

The Galloway is a breed of beef cattle that was developed to produce quality beef in a harsh environment with minimum input. A breed that has never been pampered yet a breed that has always been expected to thrive, reproduce, and yield a top quality carcass.

The Galloway arrived in Canada from Scotland in 1853 from a cattle population where the unique selection that developed the breed had been the standard for over two centuries. That selection was developed and imposed by practical cattlemen who added selection for temperament, a lack of horns, and quality beef to the selection already in place from Mother Nature for hardiness, mothering, calving ease, and forage conversion.

Practical cattlemen who added selection for beef production without removing selection for environmental adaptation. Practical cattlemen who expected cattle to be a self-reliant source of quality human food with a minimum of human interference. The result is the Galloway -- a breed uniquely suited to sustainable beef production in the twenty first century.

Galloway Beef:

  • A long hair coat facilitates marbling with less fat cover.
  • A traditional high roughage diet encourages beneficial fatty acid ratios.
  • Four hundred years of selection for beef quality add flavour and texture.

In other words, natural, well marbled beef, with low overall fat content, beneficial fatty acid ratios, and a unique and pleasant taste and texture.


Galloway by Choice